Saturday, November 1, 2008

What the members of the Crew plan (not really) to name their kids:

JM: Prudence a la Prim and Proper, Louis Charles Napoleon XVIII MY CHILDREN WILL NOT BE CALLED PRUDENCE. Though it does sound nice. LOL
SY: Angelica the Innocent, Angel the... Angelic?
Jasryn: Panita, Brad Adolphius Rudolphius Pitt II (Wow, complicated, OLD names)
Darren: Ima Goon, Vieri Goon EHHH so mean! I prefer names like Po-Tay-Toh, etc.
Priya: Bobette, Bob
Sara: Mary the Holy Mother of Goodness, Jesus Christ (Nuff' said)
Sarah: *some really poetic name* *another really poetic name. Maybe Wilfred Owen?*
Panit: (no idea really) POINKY! TEEHEE Oh yeah, I forgot! :D


Like Sugarplum? Or how Jamie Oliver named his daughter POPPY. Heh.
Hee hee name your kid Poppy and we can call her OPIUM as a nickname. Opie for short.

*is spamming blog because she has nothing better to do*

Why on earth would Jas name her kid after me? Does not compute. I'll be serious and throw in Lyanna or Alanna for a girl. Haha Panita strangely reminds me of pita bread. Mmm

I like the name EMMAAA.. or SARAAA.. HEHEHE.

So, we can see that WY writes about random things when she is bored. Panit, shows us morbid pictures and talks about football.. and the rest, we have yet to see.... ANd for a blog run by 7 girls and TWO guys, an entire post of FOOTBALL has filled the quota... HAHAHHA KIDDINGG!!!!!!! BOO LIVERPOOL. HEH. BOOOOOOO!

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