Sunday, November 30, 2008


JM and Jas arrive home from Batu Ferringhi hoping to watch an episode of 'Bones' and a movie. Just as we step into the house. 'POOF' The lights go out. We are in DARKNESS. 

 Neighbourhood blackout. 
Ever had one of those moments when you just feel cursed? Yeah, this was one of 'em. You almost expect the scary music to start playing and somebody to pop out and go BOO.

A torchlight on the couch was the only source of light in the whole house. I call this picture... salvation.

We spent a very sad, very desperate hour or so playing speed in semi-darkness. When we got really desperate, we started playing memory card games. A game I haven't played since I was 6 years old but which I believe has contributed significantly to my apparently amazing memory and my OCD. I obsessively compulsively arranged all the cards in straight little lines and rows with even spacings between them. 

JM just watched me and shook her head. Now she's leaving me to write this post all by myself. When the lights came on JM sang "Hallelujah!" and went to turn on all electrical appliances.

By the way, in that very very long time (an hour) in which we had no electricity.. we came to realise how important it was to us. No tv. No lights. No air con. No computer. No internet. No phone. Only cards and each other. What a scary thought.

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