Monday, November 3, 2008

The fascinating things of today

1. 'Womanizer' by Britney Spears blares out from the radio. Sara reaches to change the station. It almost cost us our lives. =_=. Imagine tomorrow's headlines reading: Death by Britney Spears or Death by Womanizer. >.<
Haha. That. Would. Be. Funny. OMG. I'm. Laughing. At. My. Own. Cause. Of. Death.

Ooh. I heard it too! When I was stuck on the windy road. Behind slow-mo! And Ming made me rush today :(

I like that song! Womanizer Woman Womanizer Womanizer Woman Womanizer Woman Womanizer Womanizer Woman Womanizer Woman Womanizer Womanizer Woman Womanizer Woman Womanizer Womanizer Woman Womanizer Woman Womanizer Womanizer Catchy :P (by Darren. I cant change my font colour againnnnn :()

2. Sara: If metals could talk.....' I was a car in my past life!' I married herbie!
JM: 'ooo... I was a ... mechanical pencil!'
Sara: =_=
JM: 'I was a lampost!'
Sara: Ooo.. 'I was a RADIO!'
JM: 'I was a brake pedal. STEP ON THE GAS!'
Sara adds: I was one of Jeanson's metal rulers! I went to all kinds of places [:

3. Su Yin told the world that you-can-do-it-standing. HAHAHAHAHAH. Little did she know, the world already knew..but now, they know something else....that SU YIN KNOWS THESE SORT OF THINGS!!! And pooof! There goes all those common perceptions that she is oh-so-innocent [: No! I said perpendicular. I ade knew you can do it standing. >.<

tangent to your curves! hahaha the immortal KS pick-up line.

4. Panit got 'Aaaahmm'-ed (word invented by Su Yin) by Kitty. Then made noises. Which SY and SL (dont you mean yourself?) did not wish to hear. Apparently he likes biters. And he likes em wild and meowy -.-

Note: I do NOT like being bitten <_<>.<

Of course not, he ENJOYS being bitten :D

5. The hands-off policy does not apply to poking/stabbing with finger. Mrs. Walton justified this.

Wheeeee :]

God have mercy. :O did Boinky just go Wheee? -.-

6. Oh and..
SY: Ehhh are u wearing contact lenses?
Weng: No la I went laser.
Sara: *tries to say something but..*
SY: Reaaalllyy?? How much?
Weng: Three Hundred. *walks off*
SY: Huh?? Varoot, how much did Weng do his laser for?
V: *laughs uncontrollably* He's *choke* wearing *laughs* contact lenses *grins evilly as always*
SY: Ohh?? I'm so gullible *does the cute Su Yin eye thing*
(what eye thing? i do no eye thing...)
*note that Sara was silent throughout this conversation*
ooh...your green and my blue go well together. looks niceeeee

Su has turned random.

We have successfully brought her randomness out. Heh. Not that she wasn't random to begin with.

And a lot of negative influence from WeiYun! :D a little help from her friends :P

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