Friday, November 28, 2008

Ways to annoy your (really really bad) English teacher

Speak in French
Forget to finish your senten
Read everything out loud, in a British accent (like darren :P) or Australian...
Write every essay backwards. Bottom to top, right to left.
Tell her that you dropped your homework in a birds nest
If they're no good, tell the other teachers
Play charades across the classroom

mispel evurythik
Throw chopped up rubber into your teachers hair
Ask them why you can whiten, blacken, or redden something but not bluen, yellowen or purplen it?
Tell her you know shakespeare personally, and her interpretations are wrong
Tell her you could help her get fired so she can work in a better place
GRammEr> rULES?" w'hat Gra mm:er R(u.le)s?

(note the use of the pronoun 'she' rather than 'he')

Hmm this sounds like something WY would write. ahahhaa and yes, my accent is AWESOMEEE! You should have heard my impersonation of 'The Maid' from 'A doll's house' on Thursday. :P I said one word and Mr. W changed the reader from me to Kylie. hahahaha

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