Saturday, November 15, 2008


WARNING: This post is exactly the same as the one on my blog. Cause I'm lazy.

So last week was SY's post-birthday surprise birthday party (Sorry for the late posting) which entailed... a trip to Jerejak Island!

We blindfolded her. And Priya made funny faces to make sure she couldn't see. Then we kidnapped her from her house and brought her to the jetty.

We took the boat over (after about 30 minutes of trying to buy tickets from the most annoying ticket seller ever, he was so slow I had to help him gather all the tickets and hand them out)

Check out this guy checking out Panit. Notice how far away Panit is sitting...

We played Frisbee! Watch me dive for it... look at my enthusiasm.


We walked across a suspension bridge. For those of you who don't know thats A BRIDGE THAT IS SUSPENDED BLOODY HIGH IN THE AIR.

Note here that I suffer from a ridiculous fear of heights. All the while as I was freaking out trying to cross the bridge, people are telling me about how safe it is according to Physics and stuff... Forgetting that rationalising does not work with irrational fears. Like I'll be thinking about Physics when I could very well plummet to my death.

The purpose of walking across this bridge and scaring myself silly was so I could get to the flying fox area and scare myself silly some more. Look at my reluctant, "hahaha-you've-got-to-be-kidding" face.

Flying fox is this thing where they strap you to a pulley like device and you hang on for dear life to it while you're pulled across the length of the suspension bridge. I was very reluctant to fly so... the guy pushed me! And people do this for sport -_-"

See Panit run! Jump! FLYYY

As if getting me to walk across some flimsy bridge one way and then fly across the other way wasn't enough... NEXT we went to conquer my fear of heights some more, by wall climbing. Look at my amazed face. Look how far I had to tilt my head back.

Surprisingly though, I'm pretty good at it. I got all the way to the top. Although the only reason I forced myself to climb that high is because I really didn't want to let go. Sadly, once I got to the top, they said "LET GO." And I said, "WHAT???" And clung on for dear life, until they started yanking at my rope.

See, I climb like a monkey. I just can't get down again. Getting down involved lots of fear and screaming on my part. Priya has the most amazing videos of me doing the stupidest things.

We went through the obstacle course at the resort too. Just for the fun of it. (Mostly to use it to camwhore)

Priya has the most amazing video of me doing this too. At one point my legs started shaking so violently the whole line shook. But I made it across... albeit with lots of help.

We went swimming too. In the rain. Imagine this scene...

*Jasryn touches the water... draws back... touches it again*

"There are icky things in the water!"

*Jasryn looks up for sympathy... sees Panit shirtless*

"OMG! There are icky things out of the water!"

*Jasryn jumps in*


After swimming, we naturally had to bathe and dry our hair. There was no hair dryer but being innovative Uplands students, we made do. And here are some final shots:


After. See how tired we all are? Despite what it looks like, I really am wearing pants. It was cold, so I wore Panit's jacket which... him being boinky and me being short, was too big and long for me.

Shot of me in Queensbay enjoying ice cream at Swensen's. Close up of Panit's jacket that looks like a body bag.

Some people really enjoyed the ice cream.

Final shot of our birthday girl. The caption is apt.

P.S. There are many pictures of me in this post. Probably cause I wrote it =) And I look pretty!

I like this picture. If only we could cut the yellow teletubby out...

P.P.S Annoying ticket seller guy officially became weird and creepy ticket seller guy when he tried to hit on me. (I like to think its cause I'm so pretty but then again... I think it was more my amazing ticketing skills)
Su Yin says thank you. Again. It was funnnnn!!!!!!

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