Thursday, December 25, 2008


Sometimes, it surprises me that Christmas arrives so early. It's as if we were just heralding the arrival of a new year, and, with the misty breath of a tempest, the teardrops pattering and crashing towards the ground, it's over, over and done with, and you see your parents hanging the red and green decorations up above the door to signify another ending. The closing of yet another year, the sealing of the door, a time when you look back and realize the enormity of the things you haven't done and wish that you could have said the things you never said.

Among the faint black print in my Math book, I reflect, reminisce upon the people that are here with me and those that should have been, those that I wish that were and those that I'd rather not be. The people I met in Cambridge, the people from Comic Fiesta, my friends from my old school that distilled my laughter in time and were there to catch my tears when they fell... It's one of those times when you wish they were around, wish they were here to celebrate and laugh with you.

But there's also the present, the people that are here, and in no particular order, the shout-outs that are due!

Panit- I'm glad that you blog here with us. Your seriousness is always a nice counter-balance to my insanity. Thanks for making me laugh with your random posts and strange articles from the BBC.

Priya- You haven't blogged in ages! AHHH. But honestly thanks for being my friend, thanks for laughing with me, and I will always remember that day in Math when we came up with that holiday. Poor little Ollie, having to go on vacation with all those teachers in Alaska. I wonder if they caught any fish?

Su Yin- I love you. You are amazing. You've taught me so much, made me laugh so hard, that I can't believe that I didn't think that we would ever click the first time I talked to you. I adore you to bits. Thanks for listening to my rants and for having the patience when I ramble on about the most retarded of matters. CHOCOLATEEEE. THANKS FOR ALL OF IT, "Susan".

Sara- You're amazing too. You never fail to make me smile with your Sara-ness, and your Tupperware song that JM recorded... I still need to get that video off her and show it to your kids when you're old and grey and old. Though I can never imagine you being old, you lively girl. Mother Sara, I have been a good girl. Right?

Jasryn- Your clumsiness never ceases to amaze me. Now I'm no longer the village idiot during Chem practicals... Haha, kidding, kidding. You really aren't that bad, you know, because I'm worse I guess? Oh well we still need to blow up the lab once before we graduate. Just once. Piaki the Pink Penguin loves you, by the way. Even though nobody else loves it.

Amy- You aren't in The Crew but YOU DESERVE A SHOUT OUT HERE BECAUSE I MET YOU AROUND THE SAME TIME THAT I MET THE REST OF THEM AND I JUST FEEL LIKE WRITING IT HERE ANYWAY. Mummy dearest, thanks for taking the trouble to read all my writing and drivel, and for my random rambles. How all of you put up with me is beyond my comprehension, but thank you. (: I still need to get you something for Chrissymassy.

Darren- GOOOOONY. You're hilarious. You're random. You're great to talk to, and have great taste in Youtube videos. You make me smile. You make me laugh. Enough said. Don't get pecked to death, pigeon bait, spylark.

Jing Min- Do I even need to tell you how much I love you? God. I think I've made it pretty apparent. You probably know it inside, anyway. Donkey.

Sarah- Kitten! You're awesome. (: You're my fellow writer-poet, the person that's always arguing with me about who's better. (you're better by the way, I think most people would testify to that, but then again you'll never admit it) I love the way you understand my innate kiasu-ness, my desires to do better than I already am doing, and our similar retarded sense of humour. Ily. We're going to get out there, publish a book together, and KICK BUTT. Some day. (:

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