Friday, December 26, 2008

Because meeting after meeting and I'm still a cookie-holic.

NOOOOOOOOOOOOO Su took the 100th post!!! Oh well. She started it. I guess she's obliged to have the 100th post as well :)

Happy Boxing Day people!
Though I don't know what happens on boxing day. I assume O.o

I haven't....been here for a while.

*POOOF!* thats the sound of my neurons popping. Speaking of pop, the first words that comes to mind are:
  1. Popcorn!
  2. 'Pop' by N'Sync
  3. Fizzy Bubblech
  4. Pop goes the weasel
  5. Spritzer Pop
  6. Pop-ular bookstore
  7. Pop Tarts
  8. Pop Tardddddddds :]
  9. Bubbles :D
  10. And for some unknown reason, Marginal Propensity to Import. GAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!

I end this pointless post with a quote, from a great man who is well-liked and respected by everyone.

"OH YA~~ chirstmas....its on the 25 right......will Mr. Santa give me a present??? Can I ask for "No MOCK" ....anyway, did Mr. Santa do IB???I think he just stick to the A LEVEL...easier u see he got a job already...we still need to do EE...."
~Mr. Film Pripanapong~

hahaha enjoy Film, you are featured!


Hey who put that smiley there? I bet its Boinky.

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