Guys, you saw it here first. :]
She admitted it! About time!
OI! you edited it!
OI! You admitted it!
What was it in the first place?
Where craziness is the order of the day, the side dish of the week, the serving of the month and the only thing you'll eat all year.
With an attached message that said, 'I hope this made you smile.'
GO WEI YUN. I think everyone would be glad if they lost the papers. HAHAHAHAHA. Nice one.
Or as Mr. Klar would put it, idealism versus realism. I'm glad you liked it Prudy :] I think at times like this, we all need a laugh. No?
HAHHAHA. LOL. i Have to find it first. Now I'm Gumgum?!
Weren't you ALWAYS the gumgum? :P Why Saraloh be listing out everyone's nicknames? O.o
And I thought I was Hotstuff till I saw a 'Goony' before it. Dayummm
Im sorry but that would be ME darren O:)
I am not a lala! I'd rather be innocent. Or convoluted. Lala is so not original.
Dare I say... This blog is alive again? (But with my kind of luck it'll die again after I say this)
HEY! Ish. I shall beat you next time. HHAHAHAHA. You're not gonna lemme forget that, are you? Hmph. Lol. Darren, you looked like you were poking the screen. OOo.. guitar hero.. Hehe. fun. But requires utmost concentration. LOL.